Join Chat Room :

Create Chat Room :

More Info
For discussions a chat room is created. To create a `chat room` a Moderator is required.The moderator first need a link to create a chat room,this is the chat room code. The moderator can create a room by passing the chat room code and chat room name. And the moderator will recieve a link,that he can share with his other members to chat.


Many options
Current chat room : {current chat room}
Current chat url : {current chat url}
Local storage : {current chat history}
Notice Hellow user,
This is a simple chat application devoloped by cool-dev-guy using many free third-party applications,so use this chat app at your own risk and the message you send aren't currently encrypted,and cool-dev-guy is not responsible for any issue caused by it.
NOTE: You can only send 185 characters in a message.